Full Circle Health – Idaho Street

August 6, 2020

The Idaho Street location is our newest clinical space, having recently relocated to a new spot in downtown Boise. The patient mix has historically had emphasis on pediatrics, obstetrics and women’s health, but now has broad patient panel reflective of Full Circle Health patients, including rapidly increasing geriatrics and multiple languages.  In addition to the continuity clinics, there are dedicated OB clinics on Monday and Wednesdays, gynecology clinics on Mondays and a pediatrics clinic each day.  There is a musculoskeletal focus with OMT, FDM and Integrative medicine/acupuncture specialty clinics housed here.  All Full Circle Health residents are able to experience these clinics.  Two R2s and two R3s are empaneled at Idaho Street each year. Attending support is mainly by the family medicine faculty who see their own patients at Idaho St, but many other faculty members often rotate through.